These Aren’t the Catalogs You’re Looking For
Metadata is useful for data warehouses, streaming systems, humans, and machines. We don't need different catalogs for each use case, though. Catalog convergence is here.
House keeping! First up, Materialized View hit a new landmark while I wasn’t looking. 5000 subscribers! Thanks again for all of your support.
Earlier this month, I joined The Infra Pod to chat about all things infrastructure. Give it a listen:
Finally, I re-did my personal blog,, as well. I am planning to do some non-infrastructure writing this year. If you’d like to keep up to date, please do follow my newsletter or RSS feed there. I just published my first post, Comparing Apache, CNCF, and Commonhaus.
The blog launch led to a couple of fun Python libraries: markupdown and python-docstring-markdown. Markupdown is the static site generator I’ve always wanted. It acts more like a build system rather than a classical SSG. python-docstring-markdown was just scratching an itch I had: I wanted to generate a simple file from Python docstrings in my Python libraries.
Recap is a project I started working on a few years ago. It started as a tiny data catalog for machines and morphed into a type system. It provides a single schema definition language (SDL) that can describe database schemas, event schemas such as Avro, and web service schemas such as JSON schema and Protobuf. The project has now been adopted by; they use it as the SDL for their data contracts.
One of Recap’s features was its client framework. I implemented readers for BigQuery, Confluent’s schema registry, and a slew of databases and filesystems. I began to realize that these systems were all data catalogs. Some called themselves registries, others were information_schema, and many called themselves catalogs. But they were all handling metadata about your data; they seemed 80% the same. Yet they were being used for different things.
Registries are typically used to store event schemas for streaming systems in Avro, Protocol Buffers, and JSON Schema. Service catalogs such as Backstage and Apicuriou serve a similar purpose for web services. information_schema-style metadata is used in both OLTP and OLAP databases. “Traditional” data catalogs such as Collibra, Atlan, Alation, Open Metadata, and Datahub began with data discovery use cases.
Each use case has a distinct yet overlapping set of requirements. Registries must be low latency and highly available since realtime infrastructure often queries them in production. They must also track schema compatibility to prevent breaking changes. Similarly, OLTP metadata needs to be very fast since it’s being used by query engines serving production traffic. OLAP metadata, on the other hand, need not be as low latency. Instead, tracking things like lineage, schema evolution, access controls, and sensitive information are important. Service catalogs are concerned with discovery, but also schema compatibility.
I’m not convinced that each of these use cases deserves its own distinct catalog. Each use case has separate requirements, but it seems to me that one system could service them all.
Indeed, I’m beginning to notice a lot of convergence in this space. Backstage, which started as a microservice catalog, now covers data pipelines, machine learning models, and more. Datahub, which began as a data discovery tool, is going to adopt Iceberg’s REST API. Confluent’s Tableflow now speaks Iceberg’s REST API and converts schemas for their registry. LakeKeeper, an Iceberg REST-compatible data catalog, has adopted data contract features similar to those you find in Confluent’s schema registry or Gable’s data contract product. Datahub has also tried to adopt data contracts.
Catalog convergence makes sense. We spent the last 10-15 years doing data integration. Data pipelines are supply chains now. All of our data (and metadata) flows through OLTP, streaming systems, batch, and data warehouse systems. It no longer makes sense to have a separate catalog for each use case.
The optimist in me hopes the convergence continues; “data catalog” should mean only one thing. If Iceberg’s REST API evolves fast enough, it might become the lingua franca that we need. The realist in me knows that this is unlikely. Instead, we’ll probably end up with catalog gateways or proxies.
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I occasionally invest in infrastructure startups. Companies that I’ve invested in are marked with a ﹩ in this newsletter. See my LinkedIn profile and Materialized View Capital for a complete list.