Welcome to Materialized View

Materialized View is a newsletter by Chris Riccomini about software infrastructure. Posts cover news, developer interviews, stack deep dives, and project and paper highlights. I’ll also give my own thoughts and commentary. I’d be thrilled to have you on the mailing list!

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New posts will go out like messages in a Kafka producer with a linger.ms of 2 weeks and a batch.size of 3-4 items.

About Me

Hi, I’m Chris Riccomini. I’m a software engineer, startup investor, and author with more than a 15 years working on infrastructure at major tech companies such as PayPal, LinkedIn, and WePay. I have been involved in open source projects like Apache Samza and Apache Airflow. I also wrote a book with Dmitriy Ryaboy called, The Missing README: A Guide for the New Software Engineer.

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Software infrastructure hot takes, projects, papers, developer interviews, and deep dives. Brought to you by Chris Riccomini.


A software engineer, startup investor, and advisor. I've worked at PayPal, LinkedIn, and WePay. I co-authored The Missing README: A Guide for the New Software Engineer. I've been involved in open source throughout my career and I wrote Apache Samza.